Homeowner's Insurance Inspections

Yard-Porch (Debris/Appliances/Autos/Unmaintained Vegetation)

SIGNIFICANT amounts of debris, garbage, building materials and other items that exhibit a trip, theft, or fire hazard should be marked as major. Note the duration of the items/material. Is it possibly from recent renovation or repairs?

We are looking for pride of ownership factor visible in the properties that we insure. If there is an accumulation of debris on the property that seems to have been there for some time, a definite major must be marked as this shows a lack of pride in the upkeep of the property. Sometimes you can make this determination by the condition of the debris i.e. rotting items, grass and weeds growing through and all around the items, etc. If the items appear only temporary (such as a recent accumulation of debris due to previous owners moving out or maybe the customer is preparing for a bulk trash pick-up), then no hazard is needed, but a comment will be required to communicate your thought process.

Debris Appears To Have Been There For Extended Time Period
Debris Appears To Have Been There For Extended Time Period

This can potentially be a difficult call at times and you most likely will have to consider the condition of the rest of the home and property or even possibly confirm the situation through a direct interview with the customer or other occupant. Appliances would be along the same lines as debris, Does it appear temporary? If you really get the sense that the appliance is a temporary situation, please add a comment to your inspection explaining this.

Debris Appears To Have Been There For Extended Time Period
Debris Appears To Have Been There For Extended Time Period

As for autos, any auto up on jacks, blocks or with broken windows, being used for storage, etc. should be a major. If the home is in great condition and they have a parked auto that appears to be a possible restoration-type project and has been kept free of weeds and spider webs, no major should be marked, but a comment will be required to point this out.

If it is extremely difficult to make the determination for a major for this issue on a particular inspection, error on the side of marking the major hazard. If the yard/property has very unmaintained vegetation, weeds, etc. a major hazard should be marked unless you get the strong sense that the home is in the transitional stage between owners (such as a for sale or sold sign on property) and the rest of the home/property appears to be in really good condition, then you can mark a minor hazard on the inspection.

Unmaintained Vegetation
Unmaintained Vegetation

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